Saturday 11 December 2010

Students bloody students

So I am sitting here at 5.30 in the morning wondering why exactly the national students union here in the UK are protesting.

Most of them have got through the 4-16 compulsory education this country provides free of charge to them, well, free in so far as they aren't the ones paying.  Then they get an extra two years on top free if they so desire, to go to sixth form, college or university. 

Suddenly, they are objecting to having to fork out for an education that most people in the world can only ever dream of attaining.  And get this, they only pay it back when they are earning enough to pay it back... and after 30 years, if its still not paid back, the slate is wiped clean!

Give me an option like that.  They can have my loans and overdrafts in exchange for a better career and someone willing to pay back what he owes society. 

Imagine if I could get a mortgage that said, pay us back only when you can afford it, and irrespective, after 30 years we'll just call it a day.

The students bleat on about how we have to invest in education for our futures.  Yes, we do, and we do that already.  Its called Primary and Secondary education.  It gets everyone to the level where they can make up their own minds on their futures, and pay for it out of their own pockets.

I dont mind paying for other peoples children to go to school.  I object to paying for yoofs to spend five years sitting and retaking exams, when they can be bothered to get out of bed and study at the best of times.  And don't tell me I know nothing.  I was a yoof as well!  I know.  Difference was, I paid for my bloody education, and still am (and I still went out and got pissed).

If anything, I can see this move only putting off the dossers in society from trying to take the easy "free" way out of work by "studying" some more.  The real workers and people that REALLY want to go somewhere will factor it all in and still go ahead with it.  

All in all, Although I cant stand the tory party one bit, this is a good move!

So, NUS, do your bloody worse.  Smash a few windows, picket the government.  Who cares.  At the end of the day, you either pay your own way, or you can stick your arses on the dole queue for six months before they turf you off that as well.  And then you'll have to do some work (for a change).

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