Saturday 11 December 2010

The Driving Game

The main road in and out of my home town is an "A" road, which basically means its got two carriageways.  One North, one south.  And its not the best of roads to ever try overtaking on.  Lots of winding twists and turns along the way.  6 miles of twists and turns actually. 
A few years ago, the local council reduced the speed limit from 60mph to 50mph in an attempt to cut the accident rates. 
For those that know the road well, when theres nothing about we still drive the old speed limit without any problems, but usually I stick to 50mph begrudgingly.
So it really pisses me off when not only am I stuck doing ten miles per hour under the speed I always used to drive, but then I get stuck behind some "dora-the-explorer" doing another ten miles an hour slower still. 
40mph Doras are the worst sort of drivers in the world.  They're the sort of people that do 40 in a 50 zone, and then 50 in a built up area.  Generally because they are incompetent drivers only focusing on what radio station to tune into and "oh, look at that view over there", with the attention span of a goldfish when it comes to other road users. 

You probably guess I suffer from a little road rage now and again.  And its precisely because of these people that I do.

So what do I do?  I like to occasionally play the bumper game.  Its not a game I always play because I would never get anywhere with time to spare if I did.

But its very simple.  A real Dora is terrified that you are always TOO CLOSE to their back bumpers.  When in reality, you could get a bus in between you both.  The key is to maintain your distance.   Dont drop back or Dora wins. 
Dora will instinctively start to slow down in protest at your supposed tail gating.  Match the speed, but don't drop back.  This is a battle of wills.

Dora will go from 40 to 30, 30 to 20 and when she (or he - there are plenty of male Dora's out there as well), drops to ten miles an hour the battle is on.
Today, I won.  I travelled 3 of the 6 miles at ten miles per hour.  It doesn't bother me if they want to slow down to a crawl and frustrate other drivers.  I'm happy to poodle along behind them, not acknowledging the protest speed at all.  And because its pretty much single track road, theres no overtaking by the frustrated drivers behind me.  A sea of rage and frustration all aimed at the lead car.  Lovely.

Really brightens up my day. 

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